Sunday 4 March 2012

Club Meeting & Fishing Dates published

Once again Mike Duckett has produced a list of event and meeting dates which we hope will prove convenient for all and will also provide a variety of fishing venues for members to visit.

The club meeting dates: are all on the second Monday in the month, and start at 7.30pm  The meeting place continues to be at the Travelodge (next to the Jack Rabbit Pub) Derriford. The actual dates are:
12th March
  9th April
14th May
11th June
  9th July
10th September
  8th October
12th November
10th December Christmas meal at Jack Rabbit Pub
Please note that there is no meeting in August.

The fishing events are:
Thursday 15th March Burrator Reservoir (Opening Day)     - From 10.00am
Saturday  14th April   Bake Lakes (Three Fly Competition) - From 10.00am
Wednesday 16th May Burrator Reservoir (Evening)         - 5.00pm to Dusk +
Wednesday 20th June Burrator Reservoir (Evening)         - 5.00pm to Dusk +
Wednesday 18th July  Fernworthy Reservoir (Afternoon/Evening) - 3.00pm
Thursday 20th September Innis Fishery (Near St. Austell)     - From 10.00am
Thursday 11th October Tavistock Trout Fishery*                   - From 10.00am
Saturday 10th November Newhouse Fishery (South Hams)   - From 10.00am
Saturday 8th December Bake Lakes                                          - From 10.00am

*Please note that Tony Vallack will be providing cream cakes for all who attend the Tavistock event on 11th October because it is his birthday.

Any queries about the meetings and fishing events should be directed to Mike Duckett.

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