Minutes of the Burrator Fly Fishers Association
Annual General Meeting
At the Travelodge on
Monday 11 January 2016
Present: Peter
Macconnell (Chairman), David Lye (Treasurer), Tony Hooper (Secretary), Terry
Denley, Andy Brewer, Pat Power, Tony Vallack, Richard Peel, John Jeffrey, Ken
Hindley, Bob Prout, George Wortelhock, Kelvin Nikulin, Bill Watson, Peter
Phillips, Stuart Payne, Mark Sinclair, Linda James, Mark Garbutt,
Apologies: Mike
Duckett, Tom Turner, Graham Broach.
Peter opened the meeting at 7.00pm
1. Minutes of the
last meeting
Peter read out the minutes of the last BFFA AGM held on
the 12 January 2015. Tony Vallack
proposed & Stuart Payne seconded that the minutes were accepted as a true
record - agreed.
2. Matters arising
2.1 Cormorants
During a meeting in 2015 with SWLT Peter asked what
action the Trust would be taking regarding cormorants at Burrator. He was told that BFFA would be advised of the
Trust’s plan by October/November 2015.
Peter has since received an apology for the delay and was told that the
matter was in hand.
2.2 Honorary Bailiffs at Burrator
Peter Macconnell & Jon Perry had both received
letters appointing them as honorary bailiffs at Burrator.
3. Chairman’s
Peter told the meeting that he had attended 4 meetings in
the past year with SWLT accompanied by various BFFA members. SWLT have a
strategy for managing Burrator and they would like us to be involved. A meeting
was arranged for January 2016 but has been put back as SWLT are still working
on their angling strategy.
In response to concerns raised by BFFA regarding the
boats, SWLT have said that they will install a running mooring to alleviate
damage when the boats are blown against the shore. Richard told us that he was present when the
current angling boat was taken off the reservoir by SWLT in the autumn. There was water between the inner and outer
hulls. SWLT staff said they will drain
the water and repair as necessary.
4. Treasurer’s
David said that he was presenting a healthy report to the
meeting. Membership was up at 30 – the
highest it had been. He told us that the
badges for new members will be ready shortly. Peter advised the meeting that
Angling Trust insurance cover for 2016 will be £10 less than originally
thought. David suggested that the subscription should remain at £12.50 for
2016. We had a brief discussion and Richard Peel proposed acceptance of the
accounts seconded by John – agreed.
5. Secretary’s
Tony said that there was little to report and there had
been no correspondence during the year.
It was agreed that the secretary would deal with the Angling Trust
insurance paperwork and correspondence.
6. Social/Competition
Secretary’s Report
Tony Vallack gave the meeting the dates of the
competitions during 2016. We discussed
inviting the Kennick Fly Fishing Association to take part in one or two bank
competitions at Burrator. It was
suggested that we have a barbeque after the competition at Burrator on Saturday
25th June. The meeting also
provisionally agreed to hold another barbeque after the competition at Burrator
on Saturday 30th July. It was
also agreed that we invite the Kennick FFA to take part in the competition and
join us afterwards for the bbq.
7. Constitution
The BFFA constitution had been discussed at the meeting
on 9th November when Richard Peel offered to re-write it. Ken Hindley told the meeting that this
previous constitution had been produced by Graham McShane in 2001. The current draft version written by Richard
and Peter was discussed by the meeting. Although
the Association does not currently have any junior members under the age of 18
years this section - 3.4 - was raised by
Peter who told the meeting that 16-18 year olds are treated as adults so there
was no requirement for CRB checks.
Junior members under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who
is a member of the BFFA. Bill Watson
said he would check about the CRB requirements in this case and report back at
a later date. It was hoped the draft
constitution could be finalised at the next meeting in February.
Peter explained to the meeting the what was meant in
section 8.3 by ‘Principles of Natural Justice’. He told us that members who were subject to
disciplinary procedures were entitled to the right to a fair hearing.
8. Election of
The Treasurer David Lye, the Secretary Tony Hooper and
the Social & Competition Secretary Tony Vallack were all re-elected
unopposed. The Chairman Peter Macconnell
stood down and asked if anyone was prepared to stand as Chairman. There was a discussion and Kelvin Nikulin
agreed to stand. Kelvin may move from
the area so it was proposed that Richard Peel shadow Kelvin for the next 12
9.Provisional Plan
for Meetings & Competitions in 2016
Peter Phillips suggested that the meetings in February,
March and April should start at 7pm rather than 7.30pm. The parking at the Travelodge for the 7.30
starts has become more difficult so the meeting agreed to an earlier start as a
trial. There are no meetings in August,
the Christmas supper is in December and the next AGM will be in January 2017.
10. Any Other
Andy Brewer donated a large box of flies that he had tied
himself to be raffled for the Association.
It was agreed that raffle tickets would be £5 each and the sale &
draw of tickets would take place at the next meeting in February.
Tony Hooper asked the meeting if anyone would be
interested in having a guided tour of Milemead Trout Farm near Tavistock. Paul & Andrew Evenden run the farm and re-stock
reservoirs, fisheries, lakes & ponds throughout Devon & Cornwall
including Burrator, Kennick and Siblyback.
There was lots of interest and Tony said he would contact Milemead to
see what could be arranged.
Peter Phillips proposed a vote of thanks for Peter
Macconnell’s service to the BFFA.
There was no
further business and the meeting ended at 8.40pm.
The next BFF
Association Meeting will be held at the Travelodge on Monday 8th
February 2016 at 7pm.
Tony Hooper
Burrator Fly
Fishers Association
Saturday 30th
January 2016
Wednesday 24th
February 2016
Trout Fishery
Tuesday 15th
March 2016
Saturday 23rd
April 2016
3 Fly
Tuesday 31st
May 2016
Saturday 25th
June 2016
& Barbeque
Saturday 30th
July 2016
Kennick FFA
& Barbeque
Wednesday 28th
September 2016
Kennick FFA
Friday 28th
October 2016
Trout Fishery
Saturday 19th
November 2016
Saturday 10th
December 2016
Newhouse or
Monday 12th
December 2016
To be decided
Christmas Supper
at the Derriford Travelodge
Note 7pm start in February, March & April
7pm Monday 8th February
7pm Monday 14th March
7pm Monday 11th
7.30pm Monday 9th May
7.30pm Monday 13th June
7.30pm Monday 11th July
No Meeting in August
7.30 Monday 12th September
7.30 Monday 10th October
7.30 Monday 14th November
Monday 12th December
Christmas Supper