Friday, 15 December 2017

Burrator Fly Fishers Christmas Dinner at Zuzimo 11th December 2017

Twenty four members and partners had booked a meal at Zuzimo's Restaurant in Plymouth but on the night Gill Macconnell was unwell so sadly could not attend.  We met at the restaurant at 7pm for a pre-dinner chat and drink. The owner Mo & manageress Tian Tian greeted us with a warm welcome as always. The restaurant has a good atmosphere, good service and good food.  As usual the hospitality was second to none and  Mo bought some of our raffle tickets winning a prize in the draw!  Between us we covered the whole menu and there was nothing but praise for the quality of all the courses.

Mo of Zuzimo!

Zuzimo's in Vauxhall Street, Plymouth

After the meal there was the customary raffle organised by Tony Vallack.  This took some time as the table was laden with draw prizes!  
Then our chairman, Kelvin, presented the trophies won by members during the year.  We now have four trophies - the latest one has been given by Richard Peel for the biggest boat caught trout at Burrator.  The winner of this was Alan Lawson with a rainbow of 3lb 6oz.  Alan could not be at the dinner.  'The Sunset Trophy' is for the biggest rainbow from Burrator and that was won by Pat Power with a trout of 3lb 10oz.  Pat could not attend the evening either.  These two trophies will be presented at the AGM in January.   

The 'Traveller's Trophy'

Pete will keep this paperweight

'The Sunset Trophy' won by Pat

The engraving on the 'Sunset Trophy'

The engraved glass 'Traveller's Trophy' for the biggest trout taken on an 'away day' at a fishery other than Burrator was won by Pete Phillips with a rainbow of 5lb 4oz taken at Exe Valley Fishery.  He  was also presented with an engraved glass paperweight to keep.  'The Three Fly Trophy' for a competition of the same name at Burrator was won by Kevin Sellar with a total bag of 7lb 1oz including a rainbow of 3lb 2oz.  The trophy is a wooden carving with a new one given each year by Tony Vallack. The flies used were a Cat’s Whisker, a Damsel Nymph & a Hawthorn Fly.  The flies had all been tied by BFFA member Wes Ower.

Pete receives the 'Traveller's trophy' from Kelvin

Kevin receives the 'Three Fly Trophy'

There were lots of donated draw prizes -
these from Tavistock Trout Fishery
Another very successful Burrator Fly Fishers evening!

Friday, 1 December 2017

BFFA Bank Clearance Day at Burrator - Monday 27 November 2017

Some of the working party at Longstone

Kelvin, Sam, Richard and Pete

Sam sawing some of the willow assisted by Bob

Lunch break

Stuart and David

Kelvin making light work of it!

The weather early on Monday was very cold, overcast & grey with heavy rain and not at all pleasant.  Eight Burrator Fly Fishers members plus Sam Le Bailly from the South West Lakes Trust arrived at Longstone around 10am.  The plan was to make fly casting easier in a few areas by removing some of the undergrowth and the invasive, fast growing willows.  The willows had been cut down previously and had since put out long new shoots from the stumps  ensuring that a less than accurate back cast would be easily snagged.

Sam told me that he only recently joined SWLT but he soon had us organised and under his expert guidance we made a successful start on the clearance. I think he will be an asset to the Trust and we look forward to working with him in the future.

The water level is currently high and when fishing in these conditions, even wading a little way out, it is difficult to avoid overhanging branches and bushes on the shore.  If this plan is to be successful in the long term we will need to ensure regular visits to keep the growth in check.  I understand that in the long term SWLT intend to clear more of the bank around Longstone where willow and rhododendron have invaded the shoreline.  They would like to encourage wild flowers to re-establish themselves on the peninsula where there is currently a mass of brambles.

The rain eased away after a couple of hours and Linda drove to the Burrator Inn to collect a tray of excellent pasties for lunch.  Two Kelly Kettles were soon bringing water to the boil for very welcome mugs of tea.  Lunch was rounded off with slices of Linda's delicious home-made Dundee cake.  It was a bit of a struggle to resume work after all that!

We did manage another couple of hours before packing up in the afternoon as the grey skies threatened more rain.