An excellent turn out saw 13 members arrive at Burrator for the competition. Three different flies were handed out - a Cat's Whisker, a Damselfly Nymph and a Hawthorn Fly. The flies are usually tied by three different BFFA members but at the March Club Meeting new member Wes Ower generously offered to tie all of them for the competition. Several members joked that the Hawthorn Fly that Wes tied was too good to be used for fishing!
The weather was dry with occasional sun, a cool northerly breeze was coming down the reservoir but on the south side of the Longstone Peninisula it was very sheltered for most of the day. The air temperature was around 14C and the water 12C. The water level in the reservoir had dropped back to 91% from 100% full a few weeks ago. With so many of us fishing we were spaced out around the Peninsula while BobP started over on the western shore of Burrator near the Discovery Centre.
A few trout were rising here & there but there was no real surface activity during the competition. One of the flies I mentioned above was a Hawthorn and on cue we saw a few of them around the trees on the sheltered lee side of Longstone. They are of course terrestrial but the breeze was not strong enough to blow them out over the water. Although we tried the Hawthorn fished dry there was not a lot of interest from the trout although I did have one swirl that 'drowned' the fly.
Kevin took the best fish of the day at 3lb 2oz. He had three others which gave him a total bag of 7lb 1oz and he won the competition by a clear margin. Both the Bob's had a bag weight of over 3lb. Several blue trout were caught
Pat was soon into a fish here |
Bob Eccles casting at Longstone Point |
Steam up! Tony Hooper's Kelly Kettle in action again |
David preparing a brew with his Kelly Kettle |
Bob Prout fishing the sheltered water below Longstone Manor |
Bob Eccles about to net one of his three fish |
Peter & Terry fishing at Longstone |
The breeze occasionally came around the Point and blew along the shore. Here Anthony is trying a few casts across the ripple |
Some of the Club members who fished the competition |
The Three Flies tied by Wes Ower - Cat's Whisker, Damsel Nymph & Hawthorn |
The real thing - a Hawthorn Fly |
The results are:
Kevin Sellars 4 trout for 7lb 1oz including a rainbow of 3lb 2oz
Bob Eccles 3 trout for 3lb 12oz
Bob Prout 3 trout for 3lb 7oz
Pat Power 2 trout for 2lb 12oz
Peter Macconnell 1 trout at 1lb 6oz
David Lye 1 trout at 1lb 6oz
Terry Denley 1 trout at 1lb 4oz
Anthony Waldren 1 trout at 1lb 2oz
Bill Watson, Richard Peel, Keniesha Miller, Ken Hindley & Tony Hooper put in nil returns.
Kevin was declared the winner and will receive the carved wooden trout trophy and a bottle of wine.