This competition was held at Tavistock Trout Fishery on Friday 28th October. Nine members met in the car park for the start at 10am. Permits for three fish were purchased and we spread ourselves around the five lakes. The weather was very mild with an air temperature around 15C although it remained overcast all day. The water coming into the trout lakes from the River Tavy was much more chilly at 10C. The weigh-in was at 3pm.
Prior to the competition three members, Pat, Terry and David had landed trout of over 5lb while fishing other 'away days' during the season. It had been agreed at the last meeting that the biggest trout caught by them would win the Traveller's Trophy unless anyone of us fishing here at Tavistock had a trout bigger than 5lb 3oz which would then win the trophy.
In the event, Terry had a rainbow of 3lb 12oz which was the biggest on the day so he was declared the winner of the Traveller's Trophy as well as the competition. Other members who landed trout were David - 2lb 12oz, BobP - 2lb 11oz, Keneisha 2lb 11oz and Kelvin - 2lb11oz. Four of us were unable to land anything although some fish were hooked and lost. An angler unconnected with the BFFA had a beautiful brown trout of exactly 5lb on a small buzzer while fishing the Kingfisher Lake.
Very few trout were moving and not a great deal of fly life was seen. The lakes are quite deep with the Big Osprey Lake topping the list at 18 feet, the other four ranging between 12 & 14 feet.
New member Keniesha gets ready with the net as David hooks his first fish of the day |
Looking across Heron Lake |
Pete gets ready with the net as Kelvin lands his first fish from the Lower Heron Lake |
Safely in the net! |
Tony fishing the Heron Lake |
BobE & BobP fishing the Kingfisher Lake next to the lodge |