Burrator Fly Fishers’ Annual General
Meeting Monday 12th January 2015
At the Travelodge, Derriford.
Present: Peter Macconnell
(Chairman), Linda James (Secretary), Tony McCoy (Treasurer), John Jeffreys, Pat
Power, David Lye, Terry Denley, Chris Reed, Graham Broach, Tom Turner, Ken
Hindley, Tony Vallack, Peter Phillips, Bob Prout, Roy Kane, George Wortelhock,
Kelvin Nikulin.
Apologies: Mark Clark, Tony
Hooper, Mike Duckett
Report – Tony McCoy provided copies of the
final accounts as at 31st December 2014, which showed that we had a closing balance
of £228.41. Tony said that there was no need for an increase in the annual
subscription from its current level of £12.50 pa. This was agreed by the
members present.
Report – Peter Macconnell reported that the
boats had been used more in 2014 and that as far as he knew the arrangement
would continue for 2015. There was some puzzlement that they had not been
removed at the end of the season as agreed in our contract. However, they were
being cleaned and bailed by SWLT staff so that responsibility did not fall to
us. Peter agreed that we need to have our annual ‘sorting out’ meeting with
SWLT before the season proper starts in mid – March. He will write to ask them for
a date and to propose an agenda based on member’s concerns.
Meetings and Competitions – Tony Vallack and Mike Duckett had worked out a provisional programme for 2014.
This was discussed in detail and modified slightly. It will be published on the
website/blog. It is known that the future of Bake and Newhouse is uncertain and
it may be that the events planned for those venues will need to be revised. Due
to family ill health Mike will not be able to continue in the role of raffle
and competition organiser. Tony Vallack volunteered to take it on alone. This
was agreed.
of Officers –Peter agreed to continue as chairman
for one more year, but Linda and Tony wished to stand down. This had been discussed
at a previous meeting where Tony Hooper and David Lye had offered themselves
for the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s roles respectively. There being no other
applicants Peter, Tony H and David were unanimously elected. Linda and Tony M
were thanked for their work over recent years and appreciation was shown by all
those present.
Prices for 2015– SWLT have produced their price structure for this
year. It can be seen online HERE. In due course there will be
the usual printed booklet. All the information relevant to us will be posted on the
website/blog. A majority of members present felt that SWLT had an inconsistent
approach to the cost of concession permits. It was resolved to raise this
matter with them.
Bank clearance in early March 2015 – Volunteers were
needed to clear some swims sometime in the first two weeks of March. There were
eight volunteers.
Hydro-electric scheme at Burrator Dam – South West Water
are planning to develop a small scheme in 2015. It will capture the overflow
water from the Dam and use it to run a turbine. The Chairman has received some
details about this and an assurance that it will not affect either the water
conditions or the fishing in the reservoir itself. On the face of it there
seems no reason why it should affect us, but we can only watch and wait at this
Constitution Changes - As provisionally agreed at last years AGM the Club Constitution will be altered in two respects from 2015 onwards. Firstly, There will be an upper limit on the length of time any member can serve in a particular officer role with the club. Secondly, New membership applicant will now be directed to the Treasurer in the first instance, not the Secretary as was the case previously.
Any other business
Concern was expressed about the comparative absence
in 2014 of Honorary Bailiffs checking permits and watching out for poachers.
Concern was expressed about the presence of
cormorants at Burrator. It was suggested that SWLT be asked about compensatory
stocking amongst other possible measures.
It was agreed that both these matters would be raised with SWLT.
The meeting ended at