Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas Meal

Following on from our Christmas fishing competition held on Saturday 8th December (see previous post), we met for our Christmas meal at the Jack Rabbit Pub, Derriford, on the following Monday evening 10th December. Officially this was meant to be our last club meeting of the year but we soon got our one bit of business out of the way and settled down to a very decent meal and a few glasses of wine and beer.

It has been an interesting year for the club so everyone was in a positive mood about the future; a very marked contrast to this time last year. The fishing at Burrator has been the best for some years, a positive working relationship between the club and SWLT seems to have been reinstated, and there are one or two more postive developments on line for 2013 (more details at the AGM). Anyway this was an evening to to be cheerful and for one or two awards and raffle prizes to be handed out.

Tom & Linda share a joke
'Merry Christmas' Gentlemen
Tony with one of his many prizes
Tom with his prize for 'Best Fish Of The Year'

Mike says 'It was that big!' Frank is more interested in the menu.

Christmas fishing and a bit of Lunch.

On Saturday 8th December we held our final club competition of the year. It took place at Bake Lakes and was won by Tony Vallack with the best brace of 5lb 12oz. The day itself was beautiful with the sort of brilliant sunshine that occurs on some winter days. It was a wonderful treat after all the days of rain and floods so recently experienced. The effect of this rain could be seen  in the slight tinge of colour in the water; though there was not enough to make fishing too difficult. However, it was a day for bright flies and pulled retrieves

In the event, all but one of the six members who attended caught their brace. The fish were of a good size, fully finned, and hard fighting.

Peter's Brace
The members who fished were Peter Macconnell, Terry Denley, Tony Vallack, Mike Duckett, Frank Dunlop and Linda James. Terry, who was obviously very keen, got there shortly after 8.00am and had landed his brace before any of the rest of us turned up at around ten. He seemed happy to spend the rest of the day sitting by the fishing hut dispensing both sage advice and killing flies. Linda caught both her trout on one of Terry's flies.

Terry & Mike

Linda plays her fish while Terry and Mike offer 'helpful' advice
Ready with the net
In addition to the very pleasant fishing we had a bit of a lunchtime feast because Linda brought along a great big Dundee Cake and a Bread & Butter Pudding laced with Whisky and Marmalade; Fab-u-lous (as Craig-Revel-Horwood would say)!
Shall I be Mother?
Time for Lunch