Pat, Tony and Peter fish on as dusk comes in |
Our second Burrator competition of the season took place on Wednesday 15th May. Seven members, Ken Hindley, Roy Kane, Pat Power, Tony Vallack, John Jeffries, Peter Macconnell, and Mike Duckett turned up to fish, and two others, Geoff Riley and new member Mark Clark came along to watch and chat (thanks to Mark for two of the pictures in this posting).
It was not a bumper day and early on the fishing was quite slow. In the end the competition was won by Peter with three fish for 4lb 2oz. Roy was second with two fish for 2lb 12oz. Pat and Mike had a fish each. One would think that the middle of May would provide us with some pleasantly warm weather, a fair bit of surface action, and even a few of the dreaded biting midges. In reality it was a coldish breezy day although the wind did drop at bit in the late afternoon. At the moment we seem stuck in a north-westerly airflow that has a bit of a chill to it and, though it makes for easy casting from the Longstone Peninsula bank, does not seem to encourage much in the way of fly hatches and showing fish. Having said that Peter's three fish came on a 'ginked' up Red Arse Green Peter fly just twitched along the surface until it sunk and then bobbed up again. Here is a picture of the fly.
The Red Arse Green Peter |
Time to get the net |